Hard Talks Podcast
*If you’re new to the show, WELCOME 🍄 start from season 3, episode 1.*
Same name, same sh*t show, totally different podcast.
This is a podcast where canid convos and taboo talks are had every week. Expanding our minds with each rabbit hole we find ourselves down.
History, corruption, conspiracies, crime, pop culture, groundbreaking tech advancements, aliens, spies, the occult ... nothings off the table here.
So, sit back, relax and enjoy a trip down the rabbit hole, like none other, honey bunnies.
New episodes every Friday.
Hard Talks Podcast
CONSPIRACIES: "The Morgan Empire"
Remember playing Monopoly as kids? And how excited we'd get when it was our colored houses dominating the board?
Imagine being able to do that in real life. With no penalties, no jail time.
Buying up and consolidating any and every business you found interest in... while living in an era where you were quite literally untouchable.
Well, get ready kitty cats and hide that money! There's reasons we have all these acts in place. To prevent powerful people like this from gaining too much control ever again.
Wether they work or not, that's another discussion.
This is the 3rd out of 5 episodes about the wealthiest, most powerful families that just very well may rule the world.
Wether you're familiar with the Morgan last name or not, John Pierpont Morgan may be one of the most infamous bankers of all time.
What with his barbarous business practices and cutthroat industry takeovers, he grew his global empire and his ruthless reputation, by means of financially bailing out and then blackmailing our United States government afterwards, not once, but twice, during two separate recessions.
Pedestaling the guy as a God-like Savior of our Nation to some, placing him at the helm of our entire economic system to those who knew the truth.
This is the guy who stole Tesla's patent for the lightbulb. The guy who may have murdered over 1,500 people on the fated Titanic for an insurance pay out.
The guy who owned a controlling interest in every single trade on the New York Stock exchange by 1913.
The driving force behind the creation of the Federal Reserve and our central banking systems.
The guy who may have orchestrated the attack on Pearl Harbor and plunged our country into WWI AND WWII, not out of moral or policy concern, but for the interest of his prized US Steel and a quick cash infusion from the war "efforts".
The true Monopoly Man.
Welcome to the stage the real douche of the year, JP Morgan and the Morgan family empire!
Available to watch on Youtube.
Find the show on social media: @hardtalkspodcast